
Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011

Golden Bunny Hunt - solutions

Congratulations to all the winners of our Golden Bunny Hunt @ Dreaming Mermaid Isle:

Rosaline Roxley

Brittania Trill

Roland Teichmann

EtoMiyzel Islar

Kipper Kuri

Ocean Emerald

And here are the solutions:

1. What is the origin of the word "Easter"?

An Anglo-Saxon goddess called Eastre

2. Easter is based on which calendar?


3. At Easter, rabbits are used to symbolize what?


4. What country introduced the Easter Bunny to America?


5. Australians prefer to use which animal as a symbol of Easter?


6. The most expensive jeweled eggs in the world were made by whom?


7. Who co-starred with Judy Garland in "Easter Parade"?

Fred Astaire

8. Easter Island is a special territory of which country?


Your donations for Japan

Thank you for your donation which helped us to raise 6,500 L$ (ca. 19 Euro/30 US$) for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

The rounded up amount of 25 Euro was transferred to the Japan fund of WorldVision on May 7, 2011.

Hiermit möchten wir uns ganz herzlich bei all denjenigen bedanken, die mit dazu beigetragen haben, auf Dreaming Mermaid Isle die Summe von 6500 L$ (umgerechnet ca. 19 Euro) für die Erdbeben- & Tsunamihilfe Japan zu sammeln.

Der Betrag von aufgerundet 25 Euro wurde am 07.05.2011 an die Katastrophenhilfe Japan von WorldVision überwiesen.