
Samstag, 3. Dezember 2011

Join the December round of our monthly music trivia question.

175 L$ (1x 100 L$, 1x 50 L$ und 1x 25 L$) for 3 lucky winners.

And it is so simple: answer one question about a musician born that month.

Question is on the message board at the info point

(Tiki hut on the palm tree at coordinates 144, 120, 23).

Non-moderated - running 24/7 - so give it a try whenever you want.

Send your solution (IM or notecard) to Durandir Darwin or MaryAnn Inshan.

Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2011

Dreaming Mermaid Halloween Land at Totem

Visit our Dreaming Mermaid Halloween Land at Totem.

All costumes inside the pumpkin house are reduced - up to 85%!

And there are some great freebies for you to pick up, too.

Our special treat - be the first to find this free Halloween teddy:

Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2011

Monthly Music Trivia Question October

Join the October round of our monthly music trivia question.

175 L$ (1x 100 L$, 1x 50 L$ und 1x 25 L$) for 3 lucky winners.

And it is so simple: answer one question about a musician born that month.

Question is on the message board at the info point

(Tiki hut on the palm tree at coordinates 144, 120, 23).

Non-moderated - running 24/7 - so give it a try whenever you want.

Send your solution (IM or notecard) to Durandir Darwin or MaryAnn Inshan.

Click here to teleport to Dreaming Mermaid Isle

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

Spookie Halloween Freebies Part 1

Come dressed as ghost bride and ghost groom to the halloween party.

You can find these lucky chair gifts (4 chairs for both sexes) at XC.

Zur Halloween-Party als beGEISTerndes Brautpaar gehen?

Diese 2 Kostüme findet ihr in den Lucky Chairs bei XC. > TELEPORT

Samstag, 1. Oktober 2011

Get your free autum chilling logs

And the trees are stripped bare
Of all they wear
What do I care

And Kingdoms rise
And Kingdoms fall
But you go on...

Be the first to find this present on Dreaming Mermaid Isle.

Simply buy it for L$ 0 and take it into your inventory.

Freitag, 23. September 2011

September 23 marks the End of Summer.

In the hope of some more sunny days

we added these flip flops to our freebie giver:

Come and get them for free (limited time offer)

at Dreaming Mermaid Isle

Montag, 19. September 2011

"Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?"

September 19 is Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Freebie of the day @ Dreaming Mermaid Isle:

Ernestina Sailboat (Grand Banks Fishing Schooner from 1880)

Sonntag, 11. September 2011

Join the September round of our monthly music trivia question:

175 L$ (1x 100 L$, 1x 50 L$ und 1x 25 L$) for 3 lucky winners.

And it is so simple: answer one question about a musician born that month.

Question is on the message board at the info point

(Tiki hut on the palm tree at coordinates 144, 120, 23).

Non-moderated - running 24/7 - so give it a try whenever you want.

Send your solution (IM or notecard) to Durandir Darwin or MaryAnn Inshan.

Die neue monatliche Musikfrage ist am Messageboard auf Dreaming Mermaid Isle.

Es wird wieder mit einer Kurzbeschreibung am Board in der Tikihütte
ein bekannter Musiker gesucht, dessen Geburtstag im September ist.

Wie immer gibt es auch diesen Monat 100, 50 und 25 L$ zu gewinnen.

Teilnahmeschluss für diese Runde ist der 30. September.

Samstag, 10. September 2011

"The Truth Is Out There"

On September 10, 1993 The X-Files premiered on television.

And we have an alien visitor on Dreaming Mermaid Isle:

e the first to find him and get paid L$ 25 immediately.

And remember: "Trust No One" :-)

Click here to teleport

Freitag, 5. August 2011


And we keep on rockin'

Starting a new round of our monthly music trivia question:

175 L$ (1x 100 L$, 1x 50 L$ und 1x 25 L$) for 3 lucky winners.

And it is so simple: answer one question about a musician born that month.

Question is on the message board at the info point

(Tiki hut on the palm tree at coordinates 144, 120, 23).

Non-moderated - running 24/7 - so give it a try whenever you want.

Send your solution (IM or notecard) to Durandir Darwin or MaryAnn Inshan.


Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011

Happy Fourth of July - win 2 complete outfits by Costume Creation

Fourth of July is here! It's time for the rocket's glare and fireworks in the air!

And it's time to win two complete outfits worth 550 L$ for you & your partner today:

Simply add a comment here - a lucky winner will be drawn on July 4th at 12 PM PDT.

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011

Win a Rez Day Telegraph

Win this Alphabet dial telegraph receiver with animated Happy Rez Day message by Timeless Curiosities. When touched the dial spells out the "Happy Rez Day" message. Based on a French 1870 model.

Great Victorian-style rez day gift or addition to any steampunk, mad scientist Lab or curious home collection.

See it at Dreaming Mermaid Isle (click here to teleport) and leave a comment in this blog to be registered for the drawing and win the telegraph.

We'll draw a lucky winner on June 26, 2011.

Freitag, 17. Juni 2011

June 17, 1885 – The Statue of Liberty arrives in New York Harbor.

June 17, 2011 - The Statue of Liberty arrives at Dreaming Mermaid Isle.

And best - it's a freebie for you! Click to teleport > Dreaming Mermaid Isle

Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011

„We all go a little mad sometimes“

June 16, 1960: Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho is released

Freebie of the day @ Dreaming Mermaid Isle <- Click for Teleport:

Driveable Bath Tub inclusive Psycho Shower Curtain

Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011

Freebie of the day

We offer a changing freebie of the day to our friends & visitors. Simply grab it in the info hut. No need to wait like at Midnight Mania boards. Today's freebie: An animated Elvis to celebrate the opening of the first Hard Rock Cafe on June 14, 1971 in London. Teleport:

Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011

Golden Bunny Hunt - solutions

Congratulations to all the winners of our Golden Bunny Hunt @ Dreaming Mermaid Isle:

Rosaline Roxley

Brittania Trill

Roland Teichmann

EtoMiyzel Islar

Kipper Kuri

Ocean Emerald

And here are the solutions:

1. What is the origin of the word "Easter"?

An Anglo-Saxon goddess called Eastre

2. Easter is based on which calendar?


3. At Easter, rabbits are used to symbolize what?


4. What country introduced the Easter Bunny to America?


5. Australians prefer to use which animal as a symbol of Easter?


6. The most expensive jeweled eggs in the world were made by whom?


7. Who co-starred with Judy Garland in "Easter Parade"?

Fred Astaire

8. Easter Island is a special territory of which country?


Your donations for Japan

Thank you for your donation which helped us to raise 6,500 L$ (ca. 19 Euro/30 US$) for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.

The rounded up amount of 25 Euro was transferred to the Japan fund of WorldVision on May 7, 2011.

Hiermit möchten wir uns ganz herzlich bei all denjenigen bedanken, die mit dazu beigetragen haben, auf Dreaming Mermaid Isle die Summe von 6500 L$ (umgerechnet ca. 19 Euro) für die Erdbeben- & Tsunamihilfe Japan zu sammeln.

Der Betrag von aufgerundet 25 Euro wurde am 07.05.2011 an die Katastrophenhilfe Japan von WorldVision überwiesen.

Freitag, 22. April 2011

Welcome to our Easter Bunny Hunt 2011. 8 Golden Easter Bunnies are hidden @ Dreaming Mermaid Isle Sarasota. Each one contains a question in hovertext. Answer as many questions as possible and send your solution on a notecard to Durandir Darwin or MaryAnn Inshan, closing date May 6, 2011. Lucky winners will be drawn on May 8, 2011.

First prize 100 L$, second prize 50 L$, third and fourth prize 25 L$, fifth to tenth prize 20 L$. And a guaranteed price for everyone: a 50 L$ shopping gift certificate for all participants.
The winners will be announced May 8, 2011 and notified by us. Solutions and winners will be posted in our blog, too.

This hunt is free - no cover charge, no hidden costs.

Good luck and lots of fun for everyone.

Durandir Darwin & Maryann Inshan

Mittwoch, 20. April 2011

to our main winners of the Charlie Chaplin hunt:

Rosaline Roxley, EtoMiyzel Islar and Roland Teichmann

Sonntag, 17. April 2011

Charlie Chaplin was born April 16, 1889.

Join our mini hunt to honor this great comic actor, film director and composer.

Find 8 animated Charlie Chaplin figures with letters in Hovertext on Dreaming Mermaid Isle, form two words (a film title) and send your solution to MaryAnn Inshan or Durandir Darwin.

Closing date: April 18, 2011, 12 PM PDT

Prizes: 1x 50 L$, 2x 25 L$ and 5x 10 L$

Good Luck
MaryAnn Inshan & Durandir Darwin


Freitag, 11. März 2011

February Hunt @ Dreaming Mermaid Isle

Thanks to everyone participating in our February Hunt.

And here's the correct solution - the 4 letter boxes formed the word LOVE.

Congratulations to our winners:

GiselleDuBarry Resident won 100 L$

Kanie Wikifoo won 50 L$

Samanta Marksman & Rolan Foxdale both won 25 L$

Malachite2 Merlin won 100 L$ for the best story:

Accept the path that life takes you down....and choose wisely the means by which you travel it....Life's mystery is in the palm of your hand...Waiting to be discovered...Arms and legs that have lifted and carried you in this life and brought you many miles....Will no longer bring you further on this journey....Look to your heart to guide and nourish you through the journey, still undiscovered,yet perceived by you in your dreams. Open your heart as you have your eyes and see into your soul...And remember there is no end to the love that was created, for it is with you always...Carried in your heart, to live on...The light will not flicker through even the darkest hour, if you believe. Let love be your guide. Accept your life's path and choose wisely the means by which you travel it...Keep the love close to your heart ...For it will guide you...Along this long and difficult journey...Remember to help those who have lost their way...Open your heart to them... Help them to find the path through your love for them..And through their own eyes, may they see and discover the mysteries life hold's...Go forward and know that you are loved and give this gift to someone who needs help finding their way ...You will be pleased with this path and the choice's you've made in traveling even when life seems dim. The light will continue to shine through you and radiate into the hearts that you have touched.

Sonntag, 20. Februar 2011

February Word Search & Hunt - Wortsuche

(German text below - deutscher Text unten)

Find 4 boxes with letters on Dreaming Mermaid Isle, form a word and send your solution (IM or notecard) to MaryAnn Inshan or Durandir Darwin.

Closing date: February 28, 2011

Prizes: 1x 100 L$, 1x 50 L$, 1x 25 L$ and 5x 10 L$

AND A SPECIAL PRIZE FOR THE CREATIVE ONES: Make up a short story or poem with the word you found and win 100 L$ for the best entry.

Good Luck

MaryAnn Inshan & Durandir Darwin

Findet 4 Boxen mit je einem Buchstaben auf Dreaming Mermaid Isle, bildet ein Wort daraus und sendet Eure Loesung per IM oder Notecard an MaryAnn Inshan oder Durandir Darwin.

Einsendeschluss: 28. Februar 2011

Preise: 1x 100 L$, 1x 50 L$, 1x 25 L$ und 5x 10 L$

SONDERPREIS: Bildet zu dem gefundenen Wort eine kurze Geschichte oder schreibt ein Gedicht und gewinnt 100 L$ fuer die beste Einsendung.

Viel Spass wuenschen

MaryAnn Inshan & Durandir Darwin

Montag, 7. Februar 2011

Waitangi Day Mini Hunt

We decided to double the number of winners.
So here we go - congratulations:
Dancer Nitely
ZOE Zukerman
Kipper Kuri
Melvin Starbrook
Malachite2 Merlin
Roland Teichmann