Thanks to everyone participating in our February Hunt.
And here's the correct solution - the 4 letter boxes formed the word LOVE.

Congratulations to our winners:
GiselleDuBarry Resident won 100 L$
Kanie Wikifoo won 50 L$
Samanta Marksman & Rolan Foxdale both won 25 L$
Malachite2 Merlin won 100 L$ for the best story:
Accept the path that life takes you down....and choose wisely the means by which you travel it....Life's mystery is in the palm of your hand...Waiting to be discovered...Arms and legs that have lifted and carried you in this life and brought you many miles....Will no longer bring you further on this journey....Look to your heart to guide and nourish you through the journey, still undiscovered,yet perceived by you in your dreams. Open your heart as you have your eyes and see into your soul...And remember there is no end to the love that was created, for it is with you always...Carried in your heart, to live on...The light will not flicker through even the darkest hour, if you believe. Let love be your guide. Accept your life's path and choose wisely the means by which you travel it...Keep the love close to your heart ...For it will guide you...Along this long and difficult journey...Remember to help those who have lost their way...Open your heart to them... Help them to find the path through your love for them..And through their own eyes, may they see and discover the mysteries life hold's...Go forward and know that you are loved and give this gift to someone who needs help finding their way ...You will be pleased with this path and the choice's you've made in traveling even when life seems dim. The light will continue to shine through you and radiate into the hearts that you have touched.