Thank you to everyone (49 avatars) who participated in our Valentine Day Word Search.
Congratulations to the following winners:
100 L$ for best story: Betterthan Ordinary
Enjoy reading that wonderful story...
"Valentine's Day was always so awkward at school. I had a FRIEND -- but I really wished he were more than just a FRIEND. I didn't have the courage to say anything, of course, because I didn't want him to think I was being silly. Didn't we all go through that at some point? where the one we really wished would ask us to the dance never thought of us as a "date"?
Nevertheless, I decided I wasn't too grown-up to give cards to my friends. I picked a special one for him. It had a picture of CUPID shooting an ARROW through a PINK HEART. There was a little bit of LACE around the heart, and I thought it was pretty ... but not too frilly to give to a guy. The message on the inside was really SWEET, too ... not too silly, not too romantic, just right for the occasion. I held my breath when I signed it, underlining the word 'LOVE' in the bottom line of the text.
The night before Valentine's Day, I dreamt of the beautiful bouquet of RED ROSES that he would give me. I could hear him asking, in front of all my friends, "Would you be my VALENTINE?" What a beautiful dream it was.
Of course, it didn't happen. He thanked me for the card and offered me some CANDY in return ... from the same open bag that he had been sharing with all of his other friends.
I was not completely disappointed, though. Why? Because maybe ... just maybe ... that really was a twinkle in his eye when he read the message on the card ..... "
And our other winners are:
150 L$: Ariella Soulstar who found all 24 words (12 English/12 German)
100 L$: Nicari Neutron
50 L$: Veer Warcliffe
5x 20 L$: Cookiepie5 Mahogany, Jaimme Westland, Maroe Thor, Arian Beresford & Runny Maximus
Two presents (Valentine Lover Retreat & Surfboard Valentine) are waiting for you at our landing point.